Polly Apfelbaum

Abington , Pennsylvania , USA

Polly Apfelbaum är född 1955 i Abington, Pennsylvania. 1978 tog hon examen från Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. Apfelbaum har ställt ut internationellt sedan hennes första separatutställning i New York City 1986.

Apfelbaum har haft separatutställningar på en mängd institutioner, såsom Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City (2019, 2003); Ikon Gallery, Birmingham (2018); Belvedere 21, Wien (2018); Ben Maltz Gallery, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles (2016); Be-Part, Platform for Contemporary Art, Waregem (2015); Worcester Art Museum, Worcester (2014); Burlington City Arts, Burlington (2014); Lumber Room, Portland (2014); VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art, Carlow (2009); MK Gallery, Milton Keynes (2009); Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis (2004); Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston (2003); Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia (2003) och Kiasma, Helsingfors (1998).

Hon har hedrats med ett antal stipendier från prestigefyllda organisationer, bland annat 2019 då hon erhöll Pew Center for Arts and Heritage Grant samt Creative Capital Award.

Hennes verk ingår i prestigefyllda samlingar, däribland Belvedere 21, Wien; Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas; Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines; Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse; Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles; Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art, Stockholm; Musee d’Art Moderne de Paris, Paris; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York och Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven.

Porträtt: Nicole Eisenman, Apfelbaum, 2019.
Paper pulp drawing. Paper dimensions: 77.5 x 57.1 cm.
Courtesy the artist and Anton Kern Gallery.